Absolventský koncert

Absolventský koncert Jaroslava Kohoutka a Romana Volfa ve Vinohradském pivovaru
Zahájení Zahájení Zahájení
Quartet Romana Volfa Quartet Romana Volfa Quartet Romana Volfa
Quartet Romana Volfa Posila, profesor Pobořil Quartet Romana Volfa
Quartet Romana Volfa Quartet Romana Volfa The Cupcake Collective
The Cupcake Collective The Cupcake Collective The Cupcake Collective
The Cupcake Collective The Cupcake Collective The Cupcake Collective
The Cupcake Collective The Cupcake Collective The Cupcake Collective
The Cupcake Collective The Cupcake Collective The Cupcake Collective
The Cupcake Collective The Cupcake Collective Sál Vinohradského pivovaru
The Cupcake Collective The Cupcake Collective Bigband VOŠ KJJ
S profesorem Zahálkou Bigband VOŠ KJJ